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Xiong X, Harville EW, Mattison DR, Elkind-Hirsch K, Pridjian G, Buekens P. Exposure to Hurricane Katrina, post-traumatic stress disorder and birth outcomes. Am J Med Sci 2008; 336: 111–5.


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Vergunst F, Berry HL. Climate change and children’s mental health: A developmental perspective. Clinical Psychological Science 2022; 10: 767–85.


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Liu NM, Miyashita L, Maher BA, et al. Evidence for the presence of air pollution nanoparticles in placental tissue cells. Science of The Total Environment 2021; 751: 142235.


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Parsons LA, Shindell D, Tigchelaar M, Zhang Y, Spector JT. Increased labor losses and decreased adaptation potential in a warmer world. Nat Commun 2021; 12: 7286.


USGCRP. Chapter 10: Agriculture and Rural Communities. In: Fourth National Climate Assessment. Washington, DC, USA: U.S. Global Change Research Program, 2018. https://nca2018. globalchange.govhttps://nca2018.


Rosenthal N, Benmarhnia T, Ahmadov R, James E, Marlier ME. Population co-exposure to extreme heat and wildfire smoke pollution in California during 2020. Environ Res: Climate 2022; 1: 025004.