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Smith P, Calvin K, Nkem J, et al. Which practices co-deliver food security, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and combat land degradation and desertification? Global Change Biology 2020; 26: 1532–75.


Clayton S, Manning C, Speiser M, Hill AN. Mental health and our changing climate: 2021 edition. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association; ecoAmerica, 2021


Solmi M, Radua J, Olivola M, et al. Age at onset of mental disorders worldwide: Large-scale meta-analysis of 192 epidemiological studies. Mol Psychiatry 2022; 27: 281–95.


Schwartz RM, Gillezeau CN, Liu B, Lieberman-Cribbin W, Taioli E. Longitudinal impact of Hurricane Sandy exposure on mental health symptoms. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2017; 14: 957.


Schwartz SEO, Benoit L, Clayton S, Parnes MF, Swenson L, Lowe SR. Climate change anxiety and mental health: Environmental activism as buffer. Curr Psychol 2022; 1–14.


Palinkas LA, O’Donnell ML, Lau W, Wong M. Strategies for delivering mental health services in response to global climate change: A narrative review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020; 17: 8562.


Nelson MC, Ingram SE, Dugmore AJ, et al. Climate challenges, vulnerabilities, and food security. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2016; 113: 298–303.


Morganstein JC, Ursano RJ. Ecological disasters and mental health: Causes, consequences, and interventions. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2020; 11.


Mason LR, Sharma BB, Walters JE, Ekenga CC. Mental health and weather extremes in a Southeastern U.S. City: Exploring group differences by race. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020; 17: 3411.


Levy BS, Sidel VW, Patz JA. Climate change and collective violence. Annu Rev Public Health 2017; 38: 241–57.