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Brauer M, Casadei B, Harrington RA, Kovacs R, Sliwa K, null  null. Taking a stand against air pollution—the impact on cardiovascular disease. Circulation 2021; 143: e800–4.


Williams C. Death Certificate Amendments. 2022


Barlow P. Regulation 28: Report to Prevent Future Deaths (1). 2021; published online April.


Thurston GD, Balmes JR, Garcia E, et al. Outdoor air pollution and new-onset airway disease. An official American Thoracic Society workshop report. Annals ATS 2020; 17: 387–98.


Brook RD, Franklin B, Cascio W, et al. Air pollution and cardiovascular disease. Circulation 2004; 109: 2655–71.


Kaufman JD, Elkind MSV, Bhatnagar A, et al. Guidance to reduce the cardiovascular burden of ambient air pollutants: A policy statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation 2020; 142: e432–47.


Vohra K, Vodonos A, Schwartz J, Marais EA, Sulprizio MP, Mickley LJ. Global mortality from outdoor fine particle pollution generated by fossil fuel combustion: Results from GEOS-Chem. Environmental Research 2021; 195: 110754.


Perera F, Nadeau K. Climate change, fossil-fuel pollution, and children’s health. New England Journal of Medicine 2022; 386: 2303–14.


Brumberg HL, Karr CJ, Bole A, et al. Ambient air pollution: Health hazards to children. Pediatrics 2021; 147: e2021051484.


Boing AF, deSouza P, Boing AC, Kim R, Subramanian SV. Air Pollution, socioeconomic status, and age-specific mortality risk in the United States. JAMA Network Open 2022; 5: e2213540.