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Stone B, Lanza K, Mallen E, Vargo J, Russell A. Urban Heat Management in Louisville, Kentucky: A Framework for Climate Adaptation Planning. J Plan Educ Res 2019; : 0739456X1987921.


Rigolon A, Christensen J. Greening Without Gentrification. Park. Recreat. Mag. | NRPA. 2019; published online Nov 26. (accessed Nov 16, 2020).


Jennings V, Baptiste AK, Osborne Jelks N, Skeete R. Urban green space and the pursuit of health equity in parts of the United States. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2017; 14. DOI:10.3390/ijerph14111432.


Cole HVS, Lamarca MG, Connolly JJT, Anguelovski I. Are green cities healthy and equitable? Unpacking the relation-ship between health, green space and gentrification. J Epidemiol Community Health 2017; 71: 1118–21.


Wolch JR, Byrne J, Newell JP. Urban green space, public health, and environ-mental justice: The challenge of making cities ‘just green enough’. Landsc Urban Plan 2014; 125: 234–44.


Dai D. Racial/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in urban green space accessi-bility: Where to intervene? Landsc Urban Plan 2011; 102: 234–44.


Hoffimann E, Barros H, Ribeiro AI. Socio-economic inequalities in green space quality and Accessibility—Evidence from a Southern European city. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2017; 14: 0.


Heynen N, Perkins HA, Roy P. The polit-ical ecology of uneven urban green space: The impact of political economy on race and ethnicity in producing environmental inequality in Milwaukee. Urban Aff Rev 2006; 42: 3–25.


Casey JA, James P, Cushing L, Jesdale BM, Morello-Frosch R. Race, eth-nicity, income concentration and 10-year change in urban greenness in the United States. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2017; 14. DOI:10.3390/ijerph14121546.


Nowak DJ, Greenfield EJ, Hoehn RE, Lapoint E. Carbon storage and sequestration by trees in urban and community areas of the United States. Environ Pollut 2013; 178: 229–36.