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Escobar LE, Ryan SJ, Stewart-Ibarra AM, et al. A global map of suitability for coastal Vibrio cholerae under current and future climate conditions. Acta Trop2015; 149: 202–11.


Baker-Austin C, Trinanes JA, Taylor NGH, Hartnell R, Siitonen A, Martinez-Urtaza J. Emerging Vibrio risk at high latitudes in response to ocean warming. Nat Clim Chang 2013; 3: 73–7.


Hartwick MA, Urquhart EA, Whistler CA, Cooper VS, Naumova EN, Jones SH. Forecasting seasonal vibrio parahaemo-lyticus concentrations in new England shellfish. Int J Environ Res Public Health2019; 16: 4341.


Muhling BA, Jacobs J, Stock CA, Gaitan CF, Saba VS. Projections of the future occurrence, distribution, and sea-sonality of three Vibrio species in the Chesapeake Bay under a high-emission climate change scenario . GeoHealth2017; 1: 278–96.


Deeb R, Tufford D, Scott GI, Moore JG, Dow K. Impact of Climate Change on Vibrio vulnificus Abundance and Exposure Risk. Estuaries and Coasts2018; 41: 2289–303.


Watts N, et al. The 2020 report of The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: responding to con-verging crises. Lancet 2020;


Béné C. Resilience of local food systems and links to food security – A review of some important concepts in the context of COVID-19 and other shocks. Food Secur. 2020; 12: 805–22.


Hecht AA, Biehl E, Barnett DJ, Neff RA. Urban Food Supply Chain Resilience for Crises Threatening Food Security: A Qualitative Study. J Acad Nutr Diet 2019; 119: 211–24.


Smith P, Calvin K, Nkem J, et al. Which practices co-deliver food security, climate change mitigation and adapta-tion, and combat land degradation and desertification? Glob Chang Biol 2020; 26: 1532–75.


Schmeltz MT, Marcotullio PJ. Examina-tion of human health impacts due to adverse climate events through the use of vulnerability mapping: A scoping review. Int J Environ Res Public Health2019; 16. DOI:10.3390/ijerph16173091.